If UCS is not defined see the below screenshot to define from the UCS option kindly reply back if you have any further issues. Refer our online help manual: 4) Use UCS (User coordinate system) option to check the plate element results. Goto Node/Element main tab > change Element parameters > Align Element local 3) Use Plate local axis function in post-processing to check the results. Case 2 : Frame rotated by 30 degrees to allign with the Global Axis. 1) While using mirror command - Use Reverse element local 2) In preprocessing mode we can align the plate element local axis. So, for this frame, if we run the analysis, we check the result of the loaded node: Global X - DX : 63.054 mm. There are many ways to orient Plate Element local axis. Answer: Hello User, Thanks for writing to us.
When plotting the stresses and chose “UCS” option will the output stresses be in the global coordinate system ? how can we change the direction of local axis for all plates to be in the global directions?. Question: When using “Mirror” command to create symmetrical plate geometry, the direction of plate local axis reverse its direction (as shown below).